- Tel: +44 (0)1275 859666
EC27 - Advanced Java Programming - 5 Days
Course Description
This course is aimed at existing Java developers who wish to obtain a deeper understanding of advanced Java programming techniques, APIs, and development practices.
Delegates should have at least 6 months solid Java experience.
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Exceptions and assertions
- File handling and NIO2
- Database access
- Multithreading and concurrency
- Localization and resource bundles
Development will be performed using:
- Eclipse
- IntelliJ
- NetBeans
- JBuilder
For on-site courses (i.e. at your premises), we are more than happy to tailor the course agenda to suit your exact requirements. In many cases, we are able to build your in-house standards and naming conventions into the delivered course.
Course Details
- Data Type Conversion
- Wrapper Classes
- Autoboxing and Unboxing
- Decimal Precision
- Numeric Formatting
- Other Formatting Techniques
- Varargs
- Type-safe enumerations
- Static imports
- Wrapper Classes
- Review - Access Modifiers
- Review - Hiding Static Methods
- Review - Overriding / Hiding Methods Summary
- Review - Hiding Variables
- Review - Method Overloading - Which Method?
- Review - Method Overriding - Which Method?
- Virtual Method Invocation
- Annotation of Method Overrides
- Overriding Methods in java.lang.Object
- Overriding Equals and HashCode
- Enums
- Enum Example
- Using Enums with witch / Case Statements
- Defining Enums within Classes
- Adding Constructors, Fields and Methods to Enums
- Using Abstract Methods within Enums
- Nested Classes
- Member Inner Classes
- Referencing the Outer Members from the Inner class
- Example of Inner Class In Use
- Using Inner Interfaces within Inner Classes
- Method-Local Inner Classes
- Anonymous Inner classes
- Implementing Interfaces with Anonymous Inner Classes
- Anonymous Inner Classes within Method calls
- Static Nested Classes
- Nested Class Summary
- Review - Hiding Static Methods
- Interfaces
- Defining an Interface
- Implementing Methods
- Interfaces with Static Variables and Methods
- Interfaces with Default Methods - Java 8
- Interface Methods vs Instance Methods - Rules
- Duplicate Interface Methods - Rules
- Functional Interfaces - Java 8
- Using Lambda Expressions with Functional Interfaces
- Lambda Expressions - Examples
- Functional Interfaces and Generics
- Built-In Functional Interfaces
- Built-In Functional Interfaces - Predicates
- Built-In Functional Interfaces - Functions
- Other Built-In Functional Interfaces
- Polymorphism Recap
- Encapsulation Recap
- JavaBean Syntax
- Is-a and Has-a Relationships
- Java Singleton Class Pattern
- Singleton Class - Creating Unique Singletons
- Single Classes with Double Checked Locking
- Creating Immutable Objects
- Creating Objects using the Builder Pattern
- Creating Objects using the Factory Pattern
- Defining an Interface
- Recap - Arrays
- Recap - Lists - The ArrayList Class
- Generics
- Parameterised Collections
- Coding Generic Classes and Interfaces
- Generic Restrictions
- Coding Generic Methods
- Generics - ClassCastException Errors
- Generic Bounds
- Unbounded Wildcard
- Upper-Bounded Wildcards
- Lower-Bounded Wildcards
- Generic Bounds - Examples
- Collection Interfaces
- Summary Of Collection Implementations (Classes)
- Commonly Used Collection Methods
- Working With Lists
- List Methods
- Additional ArrayList Methods
- Additional LinkedList Methods
- Traversing Collections
- Working With Sets
- Sets - Set Methods
- SortedSet Methods
- NavigableSet Methods
- Working With Queues
- Working With Maps
- Maps - Map Methods
- Java 8 New Map Methods
- Sorting -The Comparable Interface - Natural Ordering
- Sorting - Comparators - Non Natural Ordering
- Sorting Using the Comparator Interface - pre Java 8
- Sorting Using the Comparator Interface - Lambda
- Using Method References within Lambdas
- Sorting and Searching Collections
- Using Functional Interfaces to Process Collections
- Recap - Lists - The ArrayList Class
- Built-In Functional Interfaces
- Functional Interfaces - Default and Static Methods
- Method References Recap
- Functional Interface - Supplier
- Functional Interfaces - Consumer and BiConsumer
- Functional Interfaces - Predicate and BiPredicate
- Functional Interfaces - Function and BiFunction
- Interfaces - UnaryOperator and BinaryOperator
- Built-In Functional Interfaces - Returning an Optional
- Using Streams
- Creating Finite and Infinite Streams
- Intermediate and Terminal Stream Operations
- Terminal Operations
- Intermediate Operations
- Stream Pipelining
- Streams with Primitive Data
- Using Optional With Primitive Streams
- Stream Mapping
- Summarising Statistics
- Built-In Functional Interfaces for Primitives
- Stream Collection Techniques
- Functional Interfaces - Default and Static Methods
- Date Processing - Java 8 - The Need for Change
- Creating Dates and Times
- User Defined Dates
- Java 8 - Working with TimeZones
- Java 8 - Manipulating Dates and Times
- Java 8 - Manipulating Dates and Times with ChronoUnit
- Java 8 - Working with Periods and Durations
- Durations
- Java 8 - Date Manipulation
- Java 8 - Working with Instants
- Java 8 - Daylight Savings Time
- Locale - Internationalization and Localization
- Using a Resource Bundle / Properties File
- Using a Resource Bundle / Properties Class
- Formatting Numbers, Dates and Times using a Locale
- Parsing Numeric Strings using a Locale
- Java 8 - Date and Time Formatting
- Creating Dates and Times
- Java Exceptions
- Error, Exception and RuntimeException Classes
- Common Exception Types
- User Defined Exceptions
- Try / Catch Processing
- The Finally Block
- Passing Exceptions Up the Stack the Throws clause
- The Throw Statement
- Rethrowing Exceptions
- Multi-Catch Blocks
- Try-With-Resources
- Using the AutoCloseable Interface
- Suppressed Exceptions (Secondary Exceptions)
- Using System.exit() to Terminate
- The Assert Statement
- Error, Exception and RuntimeException Classes
- What is a Thread?
- Creating Threads
- Creating Threads - Technique 1
- Creating Threads - Technique 2
- Runnable - Functional Interface
- Thread Priority
- Thread Polling
- Terminating Threads
- Daemon Threads
- Java Concurrency API
- The Single Thread Executor
- Shutting Down the Executor
- Submitting Tasks to the ExecutorService
- Checking the Results using Future
- The Callable Interface
- Callable vs Runnable vs Supplier
- Waiting For All Tasks To Finish
- Scheduling Tasks - ScheduledExecutorService
- Thread Pools
- Synchronizing Data Access - Atomic Classes
- Synchronizing Data Access - Synchronized Blocks
- Synchronizing Data Access - Synchronized Methods
- Concurrent Collections
- Concurrent Collections - BlockingQueue
- Concurrent Collections - BlockingDeque
- Concurrent Collections - CopyOnWrite Classes
- Concurrent Collections - Converting to Synchronized
- Parallel Streams
- Parallel Stream Performance
- Parallel Ordering
- Problems with Stateful Operations
- Parallel Reductions
- Combining Streams with Reduce
- Combining Streams with Collect
- Managing Concurrent Processes
- Threading Problems
- Creating Threads
- I/O
- Unicode Overview
- Character Conversion Terminology
- Code Page Differences
- How Unicode Works
- Class java.io.File
- File Streams
- I/O Stream Classes
- I/O Stream Class Inheritance
- High Level Wrapper Examples
- Common Stream Operations
- FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
- BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream
- FileReader / Writer and BufferedReader / Writer
- Character Encoding
- Serialization - ObjectOutputStream
- Deserialization - ObjectInputStream
- Serialization - Versioning
- PrintStream and PrintWriter Classes
- PrintWriter Example
- PrintStream Example
- PrintWriter / PrintStream Character Encoding
- PrintWriter / PrintStream - String Formatting
- Interacting With Users
- Character Conversion Terminology
- NIO.2
- Reasons for NIO.2
- Class java.nio.file.Path
- Creating a Path using the Paths Factory
- Creating a Path using FileSystem
- Non Local Path References
- Legacy Path References using java.io.File
- Common Path Methods
- Path Method Examples
- Relative Path Processing - The Relativize Method
- Joining Paths - The Resolve Method
- Checking for Path Existence - The ToRealPath Method
- Using Symbolic Links
- Class java.nio.file.Files
- Files - Existence and Attributes
- Files - Attribute Modification
- Comparison of legacy File and NIO.2 methods
- Using File Views
- Files - Making Directories
- Common Optional Arguments used within NIO.2 Methods
- Files - Copying a Path
- Files - Copying File Contents using Streams
- Files - Moving (renaming) A Path
- Files - Delete a File or Empty Directory
- Using Files.newBufferedReader() / Writer()
- Files - Read All Lines from a File
- Directory Walking with Functional Streams
- Class java.nio.file.Path
- Database Sample Data
- Basic SQL Statement Review
- Java Database Introduction
- JDBC Drivers and Interfaces
- Getting A Database Connection
- Locating the Driver
- Creating A Statement
- Executing Statements
- Executing Statements - Update Example
- Processing ResultSet Data
- Processing ResultSet Date, Time and Timestamp Data
- Cursor Operations
- Scrollable Cursors
- ResultSet - Cursor Scroll Types
- Cursor Concurrency Types
- Cursor Holdibility Types - (Not Covered on OCP Exam)
- ResultSet - Scrollable Cursor Example
- Closing Connections
- Handling SQL Errors
- Handling SQL Warnings
- Basic SQL Statement Review
- Dynamic retrieval of information using reflection
- Creating instances of extensibility objects
- Class fields, methods and constructors
- Creating instances of extensibility objects
- Java EE architecture
- Web technologies
- Servlets and JSPs
- Web technologies