CV041G - z/OS and DB2 Basics for DB2 for z/OS DBA Beginners - 5 Days

2025-05-12Virtual5 Days £2200.00 (plus VAT)
2025-10-20Virtual5 Days £2200.00 (plus VAT)

Course Description

This beginning DB2 basic course is for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a DB2 database in a z/OS environment.


There are no formal prerequisites for this course.


DB2 11 for z/OS beginning DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of:

  • Describe several services provided in a z/OS environment
  • Explain workloads in the batch environment
  • Explain workloads in the online environment
  • Describe job roles in a z/OS environment
  • Log On to TSO/E
  • Navigate TSO/E and ISPF
  • Use TSO commands
  • Setup and utilize JCL (Job Control Language)
  • Utilize SDSF
  • Describe the different types of data sets in a z/OS environment
  • Allocate data sets and list data set information and content
  • Create and modify data set content
  • Give an overview of the DB2 9 environment
  • Describe and utilize DB2 Objects
  • Describe and utilize several DB2 Utilities
  • Describe the DB2I (DB2 Interactive Facility) environment
  • Use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to compose and execute SQL
  • Setup and execute DB2 Commands
  • Understand DB2 Logging
  • Describe DB2 program preparation process
  • Understand DB2 startup and shutdown
  • Understand and utilize DB2 recovery strategies


For on-site courses (i.e. at your premises), we are more than happy to tailor the course agenda to suit your exact requirements. In many cases, we are able to build your in-house standards and naming conventions into the delivered course.

Course Details

Data Sets
DB2 Relational Database Concepts
Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI
DB2 Objects
The DB2 System
DB2 Commands and Program Preparation
DB2 Utilities
DB2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery
Course Summary

Day 1
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: TSO/E and ISPF
Exercise 1: TSO and ISPF
Exercise 1 Review
Unit 3: Data Sets (Data Sets and Sequential Data Sets)
Exercise 2: Sequential Data Sets
Exercise 2 Review

Day 2
Unit 3: Data Sets (Partitioned Data Sets)
Exercise 3: Partitioned Data Sets
Exercise 3 Review
Unit 3: Data Sets (VSAM Data Sets)
Exercise 4: VSAM Data Sets
Exercise 4 Review
Unit 4: JCL and SDSF
Exercise 5: JCL and SDSF
Exercise 5 Review

Day 3
Unit 5: DB2 Relational Database Concepts
Unit 6: Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI
Exercise 6: SQL and SPUFI
Exercise 6 Review
Unit 7: DB2 Objects (Databases and Table Spaces)
Exercise 7: Databases and Table Spaces
Exercise 7 Review
Unit 7: DB2 Objects (Tables, Indexes, and Views)
Exercise 8: Tables, Indexes, and Views
Exercise 8 Review

Day 4
Unit 7: DB2 Objects (Qualified Names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL Statements)
Exercise 9: Qualified Names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL Statements
Exercise 9 Review
Unit 8: The DB2 System
Exercise 10: The DB2 System
Exercise 10 Review
Unit 9: DB2 Commands and Program Preparation
Exercise 11: DB2 Commands
Exercise 11 Review

Day 5
Unit 10: DB2 Utilities
Exercise 12: DB2 Utilities
Exercise 12 Review
Unit 11: DB2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery
Exercise 13: DB2 Recovery
Exercise 13 Review
Unit 12: Course Summary

Course Enquiry